The art of Bryan Beus
These are his three winning entries. The first illustration is entitled "Pinata."

The second illustration is entitled "Clowns."

I was happy to see there was a Writers/Illustrators of the Future blog out there! My story "Blade of the Bunny" was one of the first place stories way back in Volume XV.
Since then, I've sold about 30 short stories, including a sequel to "Blade of the Bunny." "Spell of the Sparrow" came out in late 2004 in Sword & Sorceress XXI, and takes place a while after the bunny tale.
I've also sold two humorous fantasy novels to DAW Books. The first, Goblin Quest, came out in November of 2006. Goblin Hero will be hitting stores this May.
Needless to say, I'm pretty darn excited about both.
If you have news that belongs on the Writers & Illustrators of the Future blog, be sure to send it to me. I'm always looking for more great news to share.