Maj Philipp Debriefs His 500 Year Tour
At the outset of this blog, I had posted the news about Rebecca Moesta being the most recent judge for the Writers of the Future Contest. As the viewership of the blog has markedly increased since those initial days, and since I now have a cool photo she sent me, I am reposting this announcement. So once again she is welcomed as a judge to this contest.
You can see her bio at
The following follow-up story just came in from Mjr. Fred Phillipps in response to the last post where he was seen traveling in his time machine:
Yes. Writers of The Future was going strong in 2500 and beyond. However things are not always great for Writers of the Future (WOTF and later WOFT). I didn't always watch the date meter, so I can't say for sure when everything happened.
I saw Writers of the Future rise to become the best selling book in the world and then the Galaxy.
I saw families hunkered down in shelters reading WOFT to their frightened children; inspiring them to write their own stories.
I saw the entire collection of WOFT (1-150; minus 34 and 98 which were banned) inscribed on a thousand metallic disks and shot out into space from the lunar canon.
I saw WOFT forced underground by a jealous emperor. I saw the great WOFT temple burned to ashes with the writers inside. I watched the rise and fall of the rats.
I looked on as an archeologist shouted for joy when he unearthed Writer of the Future LXVII (the plastic edition) from the once lost ancient library of Alexandria (VA). I saw scholars comparing the WOFT LXI Korean version with the newly discovered Hieroglyphic version to once again translate the ancient writing on the Arctic pyramids.
I saw a man beaten to death for suggesting that the stories written in theWOFT may not all be true and that maybe every writer doesn't deserve a separate holiday or even a sacrifice.
Finally I saw silver saucers (yes they were actually saucers) land a on a primitive earth. The green humanoids who stepped out of these saucers had searched the universe looking for one thing: They where here to find the Galaxy Press, so that they could turn in their own submissions for entry into the next Writers of the Future.
Good Luck
Maj Fred Philipp
At March 30, 2007 at 7:26 AM ,
Naten said...
That's awesome. Mirthfully written, and I love all the little hints of the future: "the rise and fall of the rats."
When is he going to send his own submission to WotF?
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