Writers & Illustrators of the Future Blog

The purpose of this blog is to provide a forum for winners, judges, entrants and anyone interested in sharing information regarding the contests and the L. Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future volumes. For more information you can also go to www.writersofthefuture.com

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

First of the Honorable Mentions for the 1st Quarter

Dear All,

The initial judging results are coming back. Here is the first list of Honorable Mentions for the first quarter of the Writers of the Future Contest. I am contacting everyone by phone first. If your name is not on this list do not fret. This is only the first box of submission back from our coordinating judge. Some of you don't have phone numbers on your submissions, some of you I have not reached yet. So, here goes:

Jon Batson - North Carolina
Michele Cashmore - Australia
Annaliese Lemmon - Washington
Shaun Duke - California
L.E. Doggett - California
Ami Chopine - Utah
Christopher Donahue - Texas
Walter Williamson - New Mexico
Chris Zollner - California
Carl Roach - Oregon
Brad Torgersen - Utah
Michel Turcas - Michigan


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