Writers & Illustrators of the Future Blog

The purpose of this blog is to provide a forum for winners, judges, entrants and anyone interested in sharing information regarding the contests and the L. Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future volumes. For more information you can also go to www.writersofthefuture.com

Monday, February 11, 2008

News from a Judge and a Winner

Dear All,

Good news came my way this weekend so I'm passing it to you:

Contest coordinating judge K.D. Wentworth has a story in the March issue of Fantasy & Science Fiction Magazine called Exit Strategy. Check it out.

Any of you who are Hugo Award voters out there, please nominate the Patrick Rothfuss story Name of the Wind for this award, not the Campbell Award.

The story, Name of the Wind is not eligible for the Campbell Award because their rules don't allow previously published works (the shorter version of the story was his winning story in the WOTF 2002 edition). But, he IS eligible for the Hugo. So VOTE, VOTE, VOTE. Best, Joni


  • At February 11, 2008 at 11:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I already read it and enjoyed it very much. Great story.

    Sophy Adani

  • At February 12, 2008 at 10:34 AM , Blogger Kevin Standlee said...

    If by "Campbell Award," you mean the John W. Campbell Award for Best New SF Author, then the reason the work isn't eligible is that the JWC isn't for specific works, but for authors, and only those in their first two years after their first professional publication.

    The work cited may be eligible for a Hugo Award in the correct length if it was published in 2007, gets enough nominations and (as you mention previous publication) administrator rules that the 2007 version is sufficiently different from the 2002 version as to qualify as a new work.

    Kevin Standlee
    (Former Hugo Award administrator; not speaking officially for this year's Hugo Awards administrator)


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